Literacy Circles


Overall, literacy circles are going well.  Please make sure that your child is ready with their response on scheduled days.  Just to make life less confusing, we are switching literacy circle days from Tuesday and Thursday to Tuesday and Friday.  That will give students an extra day during busy weeks to get prepared, and it will also create less scheduling headaches on GPS days every other Thursday.


With all of the demands on today’s teachers and students, one more instructional need can send us all over the edge!  Learning to balance classroom time and making the most of those precious instructional minutes is critical to running a highly successful classroom.  So why add another content area that is not mandated?  Explore this site to see the research behind cursive instruction in the classroom.  Read for yourself and make the decision.  Is cursive the better choice for your students?  Can you find 10 minutes a day to devote to cursive instruction?  Consider the possibilities.